Tuesday, November 16, 2010

TSB mentioned in November's issue of GrassRootsMotorSports!

Team Short Bus, mentioned in this month's issue of Grass Roots MotorSports. p170. "The MAM race also marked the 1st ever LeMons wind for VW product, w/ the mkIII Golf of Teahm Short Bus scoring the overall victory."

Friday, November 12, 2010

transmission tear down...

We tore apart the transmission that was in the car. At autobahn we lost 4th gear. The gear lube was horribly nasty. When we opened up the case there was silver goo all over, it looked like watered down anti-seize. We are absolutely astounded that this box lasted over 11 hours of endurance racing. There is no reason it should have. Perhaps VW O2O transmissions are better than what people make them out to be.

4th gear? Bah! Who needs it?

Pinion gear? Bah! Plenty of teeth left! Bearings....hmmm just kinda hanging out because there is not race to keep them lined up; doh! I had a donor transmission that we also tore down. The PO said it had no 5th gear. Well he was right, the gears had NO teeth left on 5th, horribly burnt & smelly gear lube. Aparently it was a victum of a leak or low fluid. There isn't quite enough parts between the two of them to make one good one but... So off to the junk yard I go!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

in car of Autobahn

This video is from the Winning Neon, we unfortunatly don't have any in car...due to a camera malfunction..  :S
We are in this particular video at 6:30, lap 62.