Monday, August 2, 2010

repair progress

Last saturday Lafavor (mostly Lafavor), myself, and Barry, replaced all four of the connecting rod bearings, and four out the five main bearings. a few of them looked bad, and not even really bad, mostly just normal for a car of its age. Dropping the 1st four mains, (#5 requires the tranny to come out) and the connection rod caps, allowed the crank to drop just enough to squeak the old bearings out and the new ones in.

More importantly we discovered a spot on the windage tray that looks like it was rubbing on the timing gear that is integrated on the crank! Right now, the car has been run for a total of say 10 minutes, and thus far it sounds A LOT BETTER! It still makes noises, and a similar chirp noise is there. Personally, I am willing to call it fixed and rock on to MAM with it. Now both rear breaks have similar stopping power!  VW drum brake adjustments are different than any other car I have seen before.

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